Before start this lab, make sure your router or Virtual router has enough memory for the SDM. the v2.5 need about 10 MB. For your version requirement check the

First of all, log on to your real router or GNS virtual router.



Configuring router to run SDM
Follow the instructions below to configure a router to run SDM.Step 1:

    1. Connect to your router using Telnet, SSH or via console.
    2. Enter the global configuration mode using the command:


Router#conf terminal


Step 2 :

Enable the router’s HTTP/HTTPS server, using the following Cisco IOS commands:

Router(config)# ip http server

Router(config)# ip http secure-server

Router(config)# ip http authentication local

Note:- HTTPS is enabled only for crypto enabled IOS images.

Step 3:

Create a user with privilege level 15.

Router(config)# username <username> privilege 15 password 0 <password>

Note:– Replace <username> and <password> with the username and password that you want to configure.

Step 4:

Configure SSH and Telnet for local login and privilege level 15:

Router(config)# line vty 0 4

Router(config-line)# privilege level 15

Router(config-line)# login local

Router(config-line)# transport input telnet

Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh

Router(config-line)# exit

Step 5: (Optional) Enable local logging to support the log monitoring function:

Router(config)# logging buffered 51200 warning


Then install the sdm:


1.  To install the SDM on a real router is really straight forward,give the interface, which is connected to your PC, an IP address, eg, Then assign your PC a IP address in the same subnet, eg. Then Open the installation file, choose only install the SDM to router, and then input the IP address of the router interface (in this example,, Username, and password, for other configuration keep the default settings.

2. To install the SDM in a GNS vitual router, you can either install the SDM from the host machine which is running the GNS or from an virtual machine in VMWare or Virtual box which is connected to the GNS3.

Note. Both of them need to install the Java in the installation machine.

use this video to learn how to connect to the Host machine.

If you don’t want to configure the hostmachine, you can install the SDM in a virtual machine, either in a virtual box hosted virtual machine or VMWare hosted virtual machine.


Then configure the Java security setting, click start button in the machine where you want to connect to the router by SDM, Type “configure Java”, click the tab” security”, then click “Edit site list…”, add the exception, if your router ip address is, then enter in the site exception list.

Now open a browser to enjoy the SDM.