DHCP console icon meaning

Icon Description

DHCP server added to console.


DHCP server connected and active in console.


DHCP server connected but not authorized in Active Directory for use on your network.


DHCP server connected but current user does not have the administrative credentials to manage the server.


DHCP server warning. Available addresses for server scopes are 90 percent or more leased and in use. This means that the server is nearly depleted of available addresses to lease to clients.


DHCP server alert. No addresses are available from server scopes because the maximum (100 percent) of the addresses allocated for use are currently leased. This represents a failure of the DHCP server on the network because it is not able to lease or service clients.

Icon Description

Folder containing the list of active leases.


Active lease: this address is not available for lease by the DHCP server.


Expired lease: this address is available for lease by the DHCP server.


Active lease, DNS dynamic update pending. This address is not available for lease by the DHCP server.


Active reservation lease: this address is an active lease on a reserved IP address. This IP address is not available for lease by the DHCP server.


Client is connecting through a remote access server.


DHCP guard:

DHCP Guard is a feature that you can use (as the owner of the hypervisor) to prevent VMs that you do not authorize from acting as DHCP Servers. Unauthorized and Authorized is a procedural/process phrase. It is not a technical phrase or any setting that can be applied. It is the business decision to call machine authorized or not.

DHCP Guard is specific to the port / vNIC of a VM. And the setting moves with the VM / vNIC. DHCPGuard allows you to specify whether DHCP server messages coming from a VM should be dropped.

For VMs that are running an authorized instance of the DHCP server role, you can turn DHCP Guard off by using the following cmdlet:
Set-VMNetworkAdapter - VMName MyDhcpServer1 - DhcpGuard Off
For all other VMs that are not authorized DHCP servers, you can prevent them from becoming a rogue DHCP server by turning DHCPGuard on, using the following cmdlet:
Set-VMNetworkAdapter - VMName CustomerVM - DhcpGuard On


DHCP ipv6 reservation



Add-DhcpServerv6Reservation [-Prefix] <IPAddress> [-IPAddress] <IPAddress> [-ClientDuid] <String> [-Iaid] <UInt32> [[-Name] <String> ] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]> ] [-ComputerName <String> ] [-Description <String> ] [-PassThru] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

The Add-DhcpServerv6Reservation cmdlet reserves a specified IPv6 address for the client identified by the specified Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) v6 unique identifier (ID) (DUID) and identity association ID (IAID).


Problems met in DHCP


No ” authorize” option in the DHCP “action” menu.

Cause: the DNS server setting in the TCP/IP Network interface setting did not point to the DC of the domain.